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❗ Vet - Exceptions Management

Any security scanning tool may produce

  1. False positive
  2. Issues that are acceptable for a period of time
  3. Issues that are ignored permanently

To support exceptions, we introduce the exception model defined in exception spec


As a user of vet tool, I want to add all existing packages or package versions as exceptions to make the scanner and filter analyses to ignore them while reporting issues so that I can deploy vet as a security guardrail to prevent introducing new packages with security issues

This workflow will allow users to

  1. Accept the current issues as backlog to be mitigated over time
  2. Deploy vet as a security gate in CI to prevent introducing new issues

Security Risks​

Exceptions management should handle the potential security risk of ignoring a package and its future issues. To mitigate this risk, we will ensure that issues can be ignored till an acceptable time window and not permanently.


Generate Exceptions File​

  • Run a scan and dump raw data to a directory
vet scan -D /path/to/repo --json-dump-dir /path/to/dump
  • Use vet query to generate exceptions for all existing packages
vet query --from /path/to/dump \
--exceptions-generate /path/to/exceptions.yml \
--exceptions-filter 'true' \ # Optional filter for packages to add
--exceptions-till '2023-12-12'

--exceptions-till is parsed as YYYY-mm-dd and will generate a timestamp of 00:00:00 in UTC timezone for the date in RFC3339 format

Customize Exceptions File​

The generated exceptions file will add all packages, matching optional filter, into the exceptions.yml file. This file should be reviewed and customised as required before using it.

Use Exceptions to Ignore Specific Packages​

An exceptions file can be passed as a global flag to vet. It will be used for various commands such as scan or query.

./vet --exceptions /path/to/exceptions.yml scan -D /path/to/repo

Do not pass this flag while generating exceptions list in query workflow to avoid incorrect exception list generation


  • All exceptions rules are applied only on a Package
  • All comparisons will be case-insensitive except version
  • Only version can have a value of * matching any version
  • Exceptions are globally managed and will be shared across packages
  • Exempted packages will be ignored by all analysers and reporters
  • First match policy for exceptions matching

Anti-patterns that will NOT be implemented

  • Exceptions will not be implemented for manifests because they will cause false negatives
  • Exceptions will not be created without an expiry to avoid future false negatives on the package